Important note regarding second hand plastic containers – Warning

Just to show how destructive this liquid  detergent is… just washed for 1 day.., left overnight…, all the grass died…, like weed killer…. imagine that it wasn’t cleaned properly… and the liquid fertilizer is filled in it… will it kill your plant when u use it..?
Many incident already happened.., only to find out that the plant got killed after using SOS LIQUID FERTILIZER… REASON…? You know better..?? Your container is still full of chemicals…!!

SOS storage and distribution center ( PAPAR)

we cannot accept uncleaned containers to be filled up with Our Organic fertilizer…

If you cannot drink out of your second hand plastic container 
we can fill it.

We sell at PAPAR.
clean authorize second hand containers which has the full 100% money back guarantee on it.